Rates & Policies

Listed below, you will find S S Water Corporation's current rates and policies. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you.  We will be happy to email a complete rate chart to you.

Damage to meters, cords, radios and other equipment will incur a fee.  Flow tests and other services are also an additional charge.  Please call our office for more information.

Please note S S Water practices Year Round Water Conservation Restrictions.  Please follow your watering schedule to avoid violating the conservation rules.

Standard Residential Service Rates

Monthly Minimum: 2,000 Gallons
Water Included w/ Minimum Bill:
2,000 Gallons
Tier (gal.): $/1,000 gal.:
2,001-15,000 $ 3.35
15,001-30,000 $ 5.03
30,001-50,000 $ 7.04
50,001-75,000 $ 9.50
75,001-100,000 $ 13.31
Over 100,000 $19.29

Bills are always due on the 10th of each month.  If a bill is not paid by the 10th of each month, the account becomes delinquent. 

  • In the event that the 10th of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, payments will be accepted until 5 PM on the next business day and will not be considered delinquent.
  • Any payments left in the night deposite box after 5 PM on the 10th will be subject to late fees. 
  • A cut-off notice will then be generated and mailed after the 10th, indicating the cut-off day.  The cutoff day each month is scheduled for the 23rd unless the 23rd falls on a Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or on or the day preceeding a holiday, then cutoff day will be moved to the business day.
  • If payment in full has not been received in the office by 7:00 AM on cuttoff morning, your account will be placed on the cutoff list.
  • Once the technician arrives at your location and physically locks your meter, a $ 50 Administrative Reset Fee will be added to the account. This fee is the expense of two service calls to lock and unlock the account.
  • The meter will be locked and services will not be restored until both the delinquent bill and $50 fee is paid. 
  • NSF or returned check charge is $ 40.00.
  • Meter readings are taken in sequential route order starting around the first of each month.
  • Payment of choice for Capital Improvement Fees and Meter Installation fees is cash or check.  Payment of these fees by credit card will result in a 5% addtional charge to cover banking fees.


Avoid Penalties -Billing Cycle by Monthly Date

  • 4th         Meters read for previous month’s water usage
  • 5th         Meter readings are entered into the billing software
  • 10th       Automatic payments are posted to the account
  • 20th       Bills Printed and Mailed
  • 10th       Payments Due
  • 11th       Late Fees Applied (10% of Water Sales)
  • 12th       Cutoff Notices Mailed
  • 23rd       Accounts that are still delinquent are locked ($50.00 fee added)
  • Next Board of Director's meeting - Locked accounts not paid are cancelled and meters pulled

 To view a complete list of our Billing Policies, please click on the Welcome Document provided below and scroll down to page 4 which contains General Information.

Usage and Cost Examples

What would my bill be if I used?
Usage (gal.): Bill Total:
2,000 Gallons 39.37
10,000 Gallons 66.30
20,000 Gallons 108.41
50,000 Gallons 300.46
75,000 Gallons 539.15
100,000 Gallons 873.57

Note: 1/2 of a 1% tax is added and sent to the Commission on Environmental Quality as a requlatory fee for operating expenses.

How To Calculate A Bill

If I used 37,500 gallons of water, how would I calculate my bill using the graduated rate chart?

Follow the steps below:
Description Amount
1. 0-2,000 gallons is included with the monthly minimum 39.17
2. Usage between 2,001-15,000 is:$3.35/1,000 (13 x 3.35) 43.55
3. Usage between 15,001-30,000 is $5.03/1,000 (15 x 5.03) 75.45
4. Usage between 30,001-37,500 is $7.04/1,000 (7.5 x 7.04) 52.80
Add all Amounts= 210.97
Multiply by .005%= 1.05
Total Bill at 37,500 Gallons 212.02

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